Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wimberley Blue Hole

5 Stars

We found the Wimberley Blue Hole by accident this summer.  It kicked off our quest to find other swimming holes and visit as many as we could during the hot summer months.  The kids were away at Camp Cho-yeh for a week and we were on what has now become our annual adult summer vacation. We stayed close to the Austin area again this year so that we could dash back to camp if something unexpected happened with the kids.  (Next year, we're planning a real vacation away...don't tell the them.)  We spent two days in Wimberley.  On our way out of town, we followed the signs to the Wimberley Blue Hole.  The swimming destination is very close to the downtown shopping area.  Getting to it is simple; you just follow the signs.  It's on 100 Blue Hole Lane...go figure. 

Rope swing
The park that supports the Blue Hole is more than just a place to swim.  There's a hike & bike trail, places to play ball and a playscape for kids.  But swimming in the chilly spring-fed creek is what a trip to the park is all about.  The creek is lined with beautiful old cypress trees that hang over the water shading it almost entirely.  Two of the trees anchor rope swings that make me think of what swimming was like before the invention of swimming pools.  One swing is for younger kids and a larger swing perched much higher on one tree is for the big kids & adults.  Catching the swing requires cooperation from one of the visiting swimmers.  This gives the swimming experience a sense of community with human-to-human contact we often miss in our digital, I-need-to-Facebook-my-every-experience world we live in today.  It's sooooo refreshing!  Speaking of refreshing...the water is COLD.  But, it's Oh so wonderful all at the same time.

Park area that lines the Wimberley Blue Hole
The park that flanks the creek is lined with an Austin stone walkway peppered with picnic tables cut from large Austin stone boulders.  Native grasses and plants line the walkway. There's an open grassy section in the center where swimmers lay out their blankets (be sure to bring one), towels, coolers and picnic treats.  Entrance to the park is $8/adults and $4/children and is worth every penny.  Get there early...like before the gates open (10am Mon-Sat & 11am on Sunday) because the park controls how many people enter the Blue Hole area.  The park filled up to capacity during our visit, but it never seemed crowded.  

If you have the time, make a day out of visiting Wimberley.  Go swimming and then visit downtown to shop. You won't be disappointed.  The short drive out of Austin to this jewel of a swimming hole is worth it. 

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